Borne Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Borne Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The symbolism of cruelty and unpredictability

Viciousness and fickleness are symbolized by Mord, a giant flying bear that terrorizes the city residents in the post-apocalyptic era. Mord kills anybody who opposes him and sometimes kills citizens by stepping on them accidentally. The city residents feel frightened in their town, but sometimes they appreciate Mord because he sheds food supplies for the people.

Rachel’s loneliness and need

Borne symbolizes Rachel's loneliness and need. Initially, Rachel finds an object and names it Borne. As time goes by, Borne transforms from an object to a speaking organism that communicates with Rachel. More importantly, Borne starts protecting Rachel from enemies, including the dangerous biotech creatures that control the city. The reader realizes that Rachel feels comfortable being with Borne because he protects her and keeps her company.

The symbolism of the world order

The world order is symbolized by the remnants of the biological engineered creatures in the city. For instance, the predominant employees of the Biotech Company are Wick and the Magician, who are fighting for the control of the city. Consequently, the reader is reminded that the world is controlled by a few powerful individuals who influence countries' leadership.

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