Booth Characters

Booth Character List

John Wilkes Booth

John Wilkes Booth is the book's protagonist and depicts a unique character from the rest of the family members. He is the son of Booth and Mary Anne Holmes and a brother to Rosalie and Edwin. John's parents are anti-slavery, and they ensure that their children are brought up with strong foundations of Christianity and valuing humanity.

Paradoxically, John takes a contradictory trajectory from his family when he becomes an adult. For instance, he became a crusader against slavery and secession that was about to take place. John entered politics and completely changed his mindset and behavior, which contradicts the foundations on which he was brought up. He also joined politics and criminal activities. Later, John was the main culprit in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

Junius Booth

Junius Booth is the husband of Mary Ann Holmes and father to Rosalie, John, and Edwin, among other siblings. When Booth marries Mary Ann Holmes, he moves to set up a home in a remote area in Maryland. They are looking forward to living in a remote area for sixteen years, where they expect to get ten children. Before relocating to the remote farm, Booth had another wife, but he never told Mary Ann about her. While on the remote farm, years go by and they are blessed with ten children in sixteen years. Some die but about six survives and the eldest is Rosalie.

Booth is an actor who performs Shakespeare in most of his performances. However, the greatest challenge in Booth's life is alcoholism. Despite being the best actor, his career is at the blink of collapsing because he is drunk most of the time. One of the important attributes of Booth is that he was anti-slavery in the 18th century. He brings up his family upright, appreciating the value of human beings. Therefore, Booth pays all enslaved people who work on his farm.

Mary Ann Holmes

Mary Ann is Booth's wife, who stays at home most of the time, taking care of the children and household chores. She gives birth to ten children, but some die before maturing. Mary Ann is distressed with time, and she becomes tired and sick. The responsibility of caring for Mary Ann falls on her eldest daughter, Rosalie. Mary Ann has no profession and depends on her husband for everything.


Rosalie is the eldest surviving child in Booth's family. The responsibility nested on Rosalie is big because she acts like a parent. For instance, Rosalie is responsible for taking care of her surviving siblings. Rosalie also looks after her distraught mother. The disturbing news is that ghosts disturb Rosalie from her dead siblings. Throughout the text, the reader sees that Rosalie is hopeless because she does not even understand her purpose in life. No one in the family cares for her, but she is responsible as the eldest child to care for everybody.


Edwin is John and Rosalie's brother, and he is a contrary character because he is hopeful and insightful. Edwin is responsible for looking after his father, especially when he makes endless trips to perform. Edwin learns about his father's weaknesses, and he capitalizes on his strengths to become one of the stable and best actors in the United States of America.

Joe Hall

Joe Hall is a free black slave working on Booth's farm. Since Booth is anti-slavery, he ensures that he pays Joe his salary monthly to empower him to buy freedom for his children. Sometimes, Booth allows Ann, Joe's wife, to come and work for them on pay. Joe and his wife are working hard to save enough money to buy freedom for their children.


Ann is Joe's wife, and she works as an enslaved person in the neighborhood a few miles away from Booth's farm. Ann is a dedicated enslaved person, and sometimes she comes to work with her husband to raise enough cash to buy their freedom.

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