Book of Dede Korkut Literary Elements

Book of Dede Korkut Literary Elements


Epic book

Setting and Context

The book was written in the context of marketing Islam.

Narrator and Point of View

Third-person narrative

Tone and Mood

The tone is incredulous, and the mood is whimsical.

Protagonist and Antagonist

Boghach Khan is the central character in the text.

Major Conflict

The major conflict is that the book portrays other religions as evil and only approves Islam as the true religion.


The climax is that Boghach is saved from the trap of death by his mother. Since Boghach was a brave man, his father was tricked into killing him, but that attempt failed terribly.


His childhood bravery and worthiness foreshadow the attraction of Prince Bay towards women.


The ability of Kazan is understated because he is humiliated at first when he leaves with his friends for hunting. However, when they return, they are shocked to note that the camp has been. Interestingly, Kazan captures the raiders, and people realize that he is a warrior.


The story alludes to the assumption that Islam is the only true religion on earth.


The most common imagery used in the text is religion. Islam is depicted as the only true religion. All the warriors in the book have Muslim roots. Other religions are considered evil.


It is paradoxical to that the Muslim religion claims to be holy while judging others.



Metonymy and Synecdoche

Orthodoxy is a metonymy for correct behavior and important principles guiding humanity.



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