Bodas de sangre

Which initial part of the work do you like the most? You can extract it and write it down

From the work "Bodas de Sangre" by Federico Garcia Lorca, i need the answer excellent

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I'm not sure that I would describe the following quotes as something I like, but they certainly speak to the Bridegroom's mother fears and past grief.

Mother: Anything that can pierce and cut a man’s body. A glorious man, an angel, his mouth like a flower, who goes out to his vines or his olives, to look after them, to care for them because they are his passed down to him from his fathers -

Mother: If I live another hundred years I shall never be finished. First your father, fresh as a carnation, and I had him for three short years. Then your brother. How is it that something as small as a pistol or a knife can do away with a man who is like a bull? I shall never be quiet. The months pass and the despair makes my eyes raw, it makes my hair harsh -

Mother: No, I shall not stop. Who’s going to bring your father back? And your brother? And there’s the prison. What is a prison? They eat in there, they smoke, they make their music. My dead are under the weeds, they can’t speak, they’re dust - two men who were like two beautiful blossoms, and their murderers in prison, taking their ease, gazing at the hills.


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