Blood Brothers

Blood Brothers Metaphors and Similes

Growing Like a Seed (Simile)

The narrator sings the following lines about a plan taking root in Mrs. Lyons' mind: "The thought conceived in this very room / Grew as surely as a seed, in a mother's womb." He compares the development of the idea to the growth of a child in a woman to show its rapid transformation. It also returns to the image of an unborn child, as Mrs. Lyons cannot have one and Mrs. Johnstone is pregnant with two.

Deep Blue Pools (Metaphor)

Mrs. Johnstone says that her ex-husband wooed her at a dance with the following lines: "He said my eyes were deep blue pools / My skin as soft as snow." These metaphors highlight both how striking he thought she was while also suggesting there was an overwrought and overdramatic quality to his compliments.

Standing in His Shoes (Metaphor)

Eddie sings about not saying anything about his feelings for Linda but acknowledges that "If I could stand inside his shoes I'd say / How can I compare thee to a Summer's day?" He uses the metaphor of standing in his shoes as a way of saying that in Mickey's position, he would say something to Linda about his feelings for her.

The Devil’s Got Your Number (Metaphor)

While singing "Shoes Upon the Table," the narrator repeats the line "the devil's got your number." What he means is that the characters are constantly being pursued by bad fortune. The metaphor of the devil "having their number" really means that they cannot escape their fates and will be haunted by their choices.

Swear Like a Soldier (Simile)

Eddie sings the following line about Mickey: "My best friend / He could swear like a soldier / You would laugh till you died / At the stories he told ya." He uses this comparison to a soldier to say that Mickey's sense of humor could be crude but always made him laugh.