Blended Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Blended Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The high-end dress shop

The high-end dress shop symbolizes the white people's perception of Black people in the United States of America. When Imani and Izzy go to the supermarket to buy a dress, they change their mind and enter a neighboring high-end dress shop to compare prices and see the available fashions. The guard in the high-end dress shop denies the two girls access because they are Black. The guard says the girls are shoplifters. The white man thinks all Black people are poor and cannot afford high-end products unless they steal. On the contrary, Izzy and Imani come from wealthy backgrounds because their Black parents work in the corporate sector.

The piano

The piano symbolizes Izzy's passion for becoming a professional singer in the future. Izzy practices playing her piano daily and she hopes to emerge victorious in the upcoming recital performance. The piano gives Izzy hope that she has a purpose to die for despite the challenges she faces in her family and the rampant racism in her town.

The noose

The noose that hangs on Imani's gym locker symbolizes hate. In the United States of America, the noose historically represents deplorable brutality and hatred towards African Americans. The noose reminds Americans of the dark history of racial bigotry against Blacks. In the novel Blended, Logan hates Black students and bullies them. According to Logan, Blacks are monkeys. In the evening, Logan sneaks into Imani's gym locker and hangs a noose, implying that she should hang herself because she is not worth living. There is serious racism in school, and when the teachers learn of the hanging noose, they invite counselors to talk to students about the importance of appreciating racial diversity.

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