Black Sun Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the main theme in ‘Black Sun’ by Rebecca Roanhouse?

    The main theme in this fantasy novel is rising against subjugation. There is a conflict between two opposing groups: worshipping the Sun and worshipping the Crow. The group worshipping the Crow is powerful, and it is comprised of influential and powerful clans. On the other hand, the group worshipping the Sun comes from ordinary clans. Consequently, the group worshipping the Sun rises against the group's oppression that worships the Crow god.

  2. 2

    What is the figurative meaning of the solar eclipse described in the book?

    The narrator emblematically uses the solar eclipse to represent the sacred events that happen in the fictional holy city of Tova. The Sun priest is tasked with leading the local people in worshipping the Sun and observing particular rules that govern them. Therefore, the solar eclipse is a form of a god worshipped by the locals, led by the Sun priest.

  3. 3

    What is the main threat to Naranpa's priesthood?

    Nanrapa is the Sun priest in the holy city of Tova. Unfortunately, Naranpa's position as the priest is questionable because she does not come from an influential clan. When Carrion Crow's leading woman dies, she leaves a son supposed to take over the priesthood. Therefore, Naranpa faces the threat of being dethroned from her position.

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