Black Hole Characters

Black Hole Character List


Chris is the object of Kieth's affection. She couldn't care less than he exists, but she's stuck with his silent longing following her through the school halls. No stranger to sex, however, she catches the disease from Rob. Her punishment is the need to shed her skin every now and then. She's one of the lucky ones because her condition is relatively innocuous if she's smart about when she does it.


Keith is a stoner kid in high school. Unusually shy, he's looking for somebody to notice him. He falls hard and long for Chris, but she doesn't pay him any attention. When Keith meets Eliza, however, he finds the validation he needs because, after all, he's a pretty smart guy. Her relationship with him also brings the gift of phalanges in his armpits. Gross, but not too noticeable.


She's the stuff of caffeine-fueled masculine dreams. More beautiful than all the other girls, Eliza still notices Keith. He's handsome, granted, but he's too quiet. She immediately spots his potential and goes for it. Her efforts are rewarded by a teeny tiny tail, which she can conceal for all intents and purposes.

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