Birds of America Characters

Birds of America Character List


Sidra is one of the protagonists in the collection. She has spent most of her life working as a small-time actor in Hollywood. Now, at the age of forty Sidra feels discontent with her life. She reveals that her willingness to perform vulgar scenes is a desperate impulse for attention that she detests.

Sidra moves back to her hometown in Chicago hoping for a second start at life. She books a room in a cheap hotel where she stays alone. Tired of city life, Sidra dreams of having a quiet life of domesticity and maybe start a family.

One day, as she sits alone in a bar, a man named Walt walks up to her and strikes a conversation with her. Sidra openly welcomes his company and with time she is attracted to him. The two end up dating and living together.

Abby Mallon

Abby works for a standardized test company. She is quiet and enjoys working in solitude. Nevertheless, her work is impeccable and surpasses most of her peers. Her employer notices her dedication to her work and the good results she delivers. One day, as a way of appreciating her contribution to the company, her boss promotes her. Sidra is also awarded a paid vacation before she begins her new duties.

However, her new position involves traveling to different schools, giving presentations, and answering questions. Being an introvert, the thought of speaking in public scares her but she is determined to conquer these fears. After her vacation, Sidra starts her new roles and quickly discovers that she is good at public speaking. Sidra also realizes that she is living in an unhappy marriage; she asks her husband Bob for a divorce. She vows to live a happy life full of adventure.

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