Best Worst American: Stories Literary Elements

Best Worst American: Stories Literary Elements


Short stories

Setting and Context

“Hobbledehoy” is set in Bogota, Colombia. “Forsaken, the crew Waited News from the People Below,” takes place in a ship.

Narrator and Point of View

In "Hobbledehoy," the narrator, a hobbledehoy, recounts his life in the first person. "Forsaken, the crew Waited News from the People Below" is narrated by a limited third-person narrator.

Tone and Mood

The tone in "Hobbledehoy" is reminiscent, whereas the mood is lively. The tone in "Forsaken, the crew Waited News from the People Below" is observational while the mood is gripping.

Protagonist and Antagonist

The protagonist in “Hobbledehoydom” is a young, shy man. "Forsaken, the crew Waited News from the People Below" is open-ended in such a way that there is no specific protagonist or antagonist in the story.

Major Conflict

Overcoming hobbledehoydom is the prime conflict in “Hobbledehoydom.” The central conflict is determining what happens to the individuals that go to the ship's belly.


The narrator’s kiss with Mina is the climax of the story “Hobbledehoydom.”

The climax in "Forsaken, the crew Waited News from the People Below" ensues when maritime authorities disappear after going into the ship’s belly.


The title “After the End of the World: A Capsule Review" is a foreshadow of the universe's ending that is alluded to in religious texts.




“Hobbledehoy” uses a literary allusion by writing about Anthony Trollope.

“After the End of the World: A Capsule Review” alludes to religion through the incorporation of “Hell’s Angels.”


"Hobbledehoydom" provides explicit imagery of Hobbledehoys. Additionally, Do Juan is used in denoting appealing and seductive men.

“After the End of the World: A Capsule Review” describes the features of a collapsed enterprise system.


The assumption, in "Forsaken, the crew Waited News from the People Below” that the crew could be present in the ship's belly is paradoxical because passageways have been closed.


The description of the theories in "Forsaken, the crew Waited News from the People Below" commences with the article "the." The first two theories begin with "the device." Besides, the subsections under the list of theories start with the phrase, "It was so."

Metonymy and Synecdoche

Apollos is used to denote handsome lads in “Hobbledehoydom.” Also, Trollope refers to seductive and appealing men to Don Juan.


“Enterprise” is personified by being given the identity of a female human in “After the End of the World: A Capsule Review.”

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