Being John Malkovich Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Where do people who've just been in John Malkovich get dumped out, and what landmark, if any can you see?

    Once someone is inside of John Malkovich they have 15 minutes to see the world through his eyes. After that they are dumped out into a ditch on the side of the New Jersey Turnpike. The landmark that can be seen is an industrial factory that operates in the distance just beyond the Turnpike.

  2. 2

    From Dr. Lester's experience, at what age can someone enter the body of a "vessel" and at what age can they be taken over?

    You can enter the vessel at any age, but only at 44 can the vessel be fully inhabited. If someone doesn't enter the vessel before this, they will never be able to enter the vessel again as the portal is closed forever.

  3. 3

    How does Craig being a puppeteer relate to the story being told?

    The symbolism in Craig being a puppeteer relates specifically to the fact that while people are in John Malkovich they are essentially a puppet being controlled by the actor. But when Craig enters his skills as a puppeteer allow him to be the only person to have the ability to control Malkovich's body and thus take him over for longer than 15 minutes.

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