Behold the Dreamers Imagery

Behold the Dreamers Imagery

Neni's clothes

The image of Neni's clothing is one that she frequently describes to herself. In chapter fourteen, while at Winston's party, she thinks about how her jeans and top don't fit her quite right, and feels awkward having to constantly readjust them. In chapter sixty two, after the family is leaving for Cameroon, she thinks about the clothes she will wear back home to show that she is above the "loose women" there, and to ensure that they do not try to prey on her husband. The image of her clothing first shows her feelings of inadequacy in a bar full of white people, while the image later shows power she tries to grab in cultivating a refined image of herself.

Mrs. Edwards while on drugs

When Mrs. Edwards is drunk and has taken pills, she is described as being in incredible disarray, with drool coming out of her mouth, her hair a mess, and her clothes rumpled. This comes up multiple times after Neni takes a picture of this incident. This offers a contrast to the polished image she puts out to the world, and also shows her vulnerability and depression, in a way that she never wants anyone to see.

New York

The beauty of New York - its lights, its buildings, the way the trees flower in spring - is an image that comes up again and again throughout Behold the Dreamers. It is used to highlight how joyous and alive Jende feels after getting his chauffeur job, how hopeful Neni feels at the possibility of getting an education, and how much of a contrast the life and bustle are to the sadness the Jongas feel at leaving America.

Neni in her parents' house

Neni often reflects back on the image of herself and Liomi in her parents house while waiting for Jende to send for her. She remembers a sad woman, too depressed to get out of bed and too ashamed to leave the house, and spends her time in America trying to bury that woman and build a life that contrasts with the life she has there. She is terrified of returning to that image of a depressed woman when she returns to Cameroon.

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