Before the Fall Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Before the Fall Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The doomed plane

The first major symbolism of the novel is the fall of a plane with important rich people aboard. In light of their death, their riches are clearly worthless. Later, when they are trying to find out what the nature of the crash was, their investigation is in parallel with the broader theme of the book. They want to know the technical reasons for specific deaths, but the reader is likely to take this as symbolism which points to the absurd nature of death itself. Why should they die in a plane crash? is a very similar question to Why should humans die?

Survival and salvation

We see that survival is actually a two step process for the son of the wealthy patron of the plane. First, they must be extraordinarily lucky to not be killed in the impact of the plane crash, but the boy must also be saved from the waters lest he drown. As a symbol of the savior, Scott is apt because he sacrifices intense suffering to swim the injured boy ashore, even with a broken shoulder. His role as savior was sprung upon him out of nowhere by fate, so that his ethical goodness is on display.

Power and prejudice

Before long, ludicrous rumors and conspiracy theories begin because of mass media. The effects of media are clear through imagery; the ideas offered by television enter the culture, sometimes without fair scrutiny so that the social authority of Bill Cunningham is substantial. As a powerful man, he spins the story toward his favorite bias; he pretends the reach people were the victim of snaky betrayals by weak, poor people. That prejudice is literally absurd, but it is powerful enough to become popular with certain popularity types, meaning that even after his physical suffering is through, Scott must be martyred by the stupidity of human political opinion—another note in his Messianic motif.

Cunningham as a cunning symbol

Cunningham has the word "cunning" in it, and that is literally this snake-man's most predominate quality. He crafts a sneaky plan to get ahead by spinning a recent story in such a titillating way that those who hear the story are likely to tune back in. Little does the public know that he is desperate for ratings; if this story busts, he will be fired by his station. His attachment to money and his skill and passion for misleading others make Cunningham a brilliant archetypal reminder of another cunning creature, the snake who represents human evil.

The black box

If lies are broadcasted all over the earth by powerful media agencies, then truth is the exact opposite. The black box symbolizes the truth of the crash because airplanes are equipped with black box recording equipment which is impossible to tamper with and which is virtually indestructible. As a symbol for truth, it is difficult to find, pointing to the virtue of critical thought and patient analysis. When truth is discovered, the morally good are set free from their shame and the morally corrupt are exposed.

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