Before Night Falls Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How does the lack of a father figure impact on the life of Reinaldo Arenas?

    The lack of a father figure greatly contributes to Arenas' bad behavior. He is brought up by a single mother alongside his sister. Most of the time, he is unsupervised and he has the freedom of doing whatever he wants. Some of the bad behaviors he engages in due to lack of supervision include having sex with animals and engaging in gay sexual behavior. Castro's regime is not fair either to Arena's homosexual behavior because the Cuban society during this time is enormously heterosexual. Therefore, the lack of a father figure negatively impacts on Arena's adulthood.

  2. 2

    How Does the theme of betrayal depict itself in the Before Night Falls by Reinaldo Arenas?

    The reader expects Arenas' close relatives to be in the frontline in protecting him from the arm of government and other potential enemies. The Cuban government does not tolerate homosexuals because it believes that all gays and lesbians should be behind bars. Reinaldo Arenas is a homosexual but this secret is only known by close family members. Ironically, Arenas' aunt is the one who gives the government information that he is gay. As a result, Arenas is arrested and taken to prison where he lives under difficult conditions. Arenas is raped and starved by the prison staff and subjected to hard labor. Arenas feel bad because he has been betrayed by his aunt.

  3. 3

    What is the symbolic meaning of Castro’s administration?

    Castro's administration represents a threat to homosexuals in Cuba. Arenas view Castro's regime as a threat to him and his family. Arena's is arrested and locked behind bars because he is gay. Arenas single mother who is looking forward to Arena’s help is left to sink in abject poverty. While in prison, Arenas is mistreated an indication that all people who are not heterosexuals are subjected to suffering. Castro’s administration believes that all people must be heterosexuals and those who go against this norm must be jailed.

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