Becoming RBG: Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Journey to Justice

Becoming RBG: Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Journey to Justice Analysis

Becoming RBG: Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Journey to Justice is a children’s graphic biographical comic-style book that explores the late Justice Ginsburg’s prominence in the Supreme Court during the Women’s rights era in the 1970’s and 80’s.

True to its title, the book follows the journey of Ginsburg from childhood to adulthood and the challenges faced in a male-dominated legal field. The book also uses cartoon illustrations of Ginsburg with her husband, Martin, to explore their careers from being recent graduates of law to prominent figures in the court room.

Through the court room, Ginsburg was able to voice her issues with the discriminative laws at the time and the unfavorable way they treated women. Ginsburg was able to call out the double standards in the unequal treatment of men and women with regards to the most trivial of things, for example, housing, insurance, and employment rights.

The book aims to educate youngsters about the profound significance of Ginsburg’s actions, which without, would have resulted in a very different world today.

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