Beauty and Sadness Themes

Beauty and Sadness Themes

Loss and Fragility

Early in the book Taichiro talk with his parents about an article on the findings of grave of Princess Kazunomiya. She was a princess who died in 1877 and was married to shogun Iemochi Tokugawa. The archaeologists that find Kazunomiya, find a photo of a person that fades as the picture gets exposed to air. As the picture fades it becomes impossible to tell who was on the photo whether it was her husband or an acclaimed lover. This early symbol can be applied to the novel that Oki wrote, portraying love’s fragility, and the uncertainty of what might have been.


Love is another theme in the book, since Kawabata shows how the different characters pursue love at different stages, from forbidden love that is the affair that Oki and Otoko share. From another side we also see what Keiko is willing to do, for her love towards Otoko, as she seeks revenge for how Oki has hurt Otoko. Whether or not the reason for revenge is also arguable as their might be part of the revenge intertwined in jealousy

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