Beautiful World, Where Are You Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Beautiful World, Where Are You Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Letters (symbol of closeness)

The author figuratively uses letters to represent closeness. Eileen and Alice are very close friends, but they live in different places. Therefore, the best way to catch up is through letter writing. The reader notices that the bond between Alice and Eileen is strong. Through letters, they keep each other updated about their lives and surroundings.


Romance is symbolized by the sexual relationships between Alice and Felix and Eileen and Simon. At first, they start as casual friends, but they start developing intimate feelings towards each other as time goes by. For instance, Eileen sleeps with Simon on several occasions, promising to stick together. Similarly, Alice and Felix become intimate while on their trip to Rome.


Eileen is still in love with her ex-boyfriend called Aidan Lavin. For instance, Eileen is interested to know what her ex-boyfriend is doing. When Eileen discovers that Aidan is dating another woman, she immediately goes to Simon and seduces him to have sex to get revenge against her ex. Therefore, vengeance is symbolized by Eileen's actions to make Simon sleep with her after discovering her ex is dating another girl.

Lola’s wedding

Lola's wedding symbolizes the rejuvenation of Eileen and Simon's Love. After the wedding, Eileen and Simon look at the wedding photos, and their feelings for each other reawakens. Simon reveals to Eileen that he had broken up with Caroline to love her forever.

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