Beautiful Boy Characters

Beautiful Boy Character List

David Sheff

The author and narrator of Beautiful Boy, David Sheff is a loving and caring dad who is concerned with his son Nic's drug addiction. In the novel, David discloses how difficult it was as a parent and as a person to love and support his son who is struggling with drug abuse. David discusses how his son's behaviors - like stealing money from siblings and getting arrested in front of his parents and siblings - affected their family.

Perhaps most significantly, Beautiful Boy chronicles David's journey through self-doubt and guilt. David feels that he is at least partially to blame for his son's addiction and constantly thinks of what he could have done to prevent his son's drug habit. But as he goes to Al-Anon meetings, he begins to learn the three Cs: "you did not cause it", "you cannot control it", and "you cannot cure it." Eventually, David learns to accept that he was not to blame for his son's addiction and that it is up to his son Nic to fully commit to making a full recovery.

Nic Sheff

Author David Sheff's son, Nic Sheff has had a difficult life. Though he was raised by a loving and caring family in a reasonably decent environment, Nic becomes addicted to Methamphetamine. Because of his addiction, Nic struggles with the law. He steals things from his parents and siblings to pay for his drug habit and is caught at least once with drugs by the police, leading to his arrest.

With his father's help and his own iron will, Nic Sheff begins the journey towards a sober living once again.

Vicki Sheff

David's ex-wife, Vicki Sheff is Nic's mother. She deeply loves her son from afar (she lives in Los Angeles, where she moved after David fell in love with another woman and the two divorced). From the age of five, Nic flew to his mother every summer, which David worries contributed to his addiction.

Like others in his family, Vicki is directly impacted by Nic's addition. He begs her for money and occasionally steals things from her, including valuables and money.

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