Bartholomew Fair

Bartholomew Fair Character List


The stage-keeper interrupts the beginning of the script. He begins to critique the play before its start, lamenting its poor romantic development. It is too ordinary and, in his opinion, poorly written.


The bookkeeper is long believed to be Jonson's stand-in. After shooing away the stage-keeper, the bookkeeper reads a contract to the audience. Within the contract he warns audiences not to engage in a slew of behaviors that were commonly annoying to cast members.


Littlewit is unhappy about his mother-in-law's proposed marriage to Zeal-of-the-Land Busy. He is a fun-loving man, intent on making his friends happy. He is married to Win, who accompanies him on many of his misadventures.


He is a companion of Littlewit. Quarlous is seeking adventure but finds love with Grace and finally Purecraft. He stands beside his friends regardless of circumstance and proves himself to be fairly clever. A man of good faith, he is the one to encourage Overdo to extend forgiveness.


Winwife is also a friend of Littlewit. He and Quarlous have a complicated relationship as they both chase the same women. In the end, Winwife ends up with Grace, the woman whom he at first deferred to Purecraft. He too is intent upon gaining the marriage certificate for him and his love.

Dame Purecraft

She is Littlewit's mother-in-law who is engaged to Zeal-of-the-Land Busy. Her hand is sought by nearly all parties in the play. Unpredictable and vain, she falls for men left and right, namely Trouble-All. In the end she marries Quarlous.

Zeal-of-the-Land Busy

He is engaged to marry Dame Purecraft, but he is no match for Littlewit and his friends. He ends up getting arrested for preaching with no license to do so.


He comes into town in order to marry Grace. Hailing from simpler provinces, he remains out of place in the town. A hothead, he repeatedly gets himself into trouble by accusing too quickly and starting fights. He ends up getting arrested for a fight and loses the marriage certificate.

Grace Wellborn

She is the daughter of Justice Overdo and engaged to Wasp. Her character receives little personal development. She mostly exists to serve as an object over which the men fight. Finally, she marries Winwife.

Justice Adam Overdo

He is a justice of the peace and father of Grace. He is intent on discovering any wrongdoing regarding his daughter's betrothal. Displaying his expertise in law enforcement, he disguises himself and runs through the city looking for trouble. After getting beat up by Wasp, libeled by Edgeworth, and robbed, he finally winds up in the stocks.


He is a scoundrel and a pickpocket. Quarlous and Winwife hire Edgeworth to steal the marriage certificate from Wasp so that one of them can marry Purecraft.