Banjo Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Banjo Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Banjo's instrument

Banjo is depicted as a happy man, enjoying the small joys that life has to offer. However, when his instrument is stolen he becomes despondent and low. As such, the instrument might represent Banjo's enthusiasm for life, and his love for music.

"The joy stuff of life."

The "joy stuff of life" is a key motif in the text. To the men, the joy stuff of life includes anything pleasurable like music, sex, drinking, fun, and romantic relationships. This provides a sense of escapism away from the troubles of their daily lives.


In this text, the police don't symbolize safety or security. Instead, for the seamen, the police are a threatening presence. For example, when the band begins to play they are targeted by the police due to racial discrimination and are often arrested and beaten by the police.


At the beginning of the book, Banjo symbolizes joy, exuberance, enthusiasm and fun. He enjoys life and people enjoy his company due to his carefree personality. However, towards the end of the text Banjo become more pessimistic. Overall, this character represents how difficult life experiences can change a person.


Music is one of the great joys of life for Banjo and his fellow seamen. Although their lives are marked by financial struggle, they often manage to enjoy their lives, focusing on music, friendship, and camaraderie.

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