Badlands (1973 Film) Characters

Badlands (1973 Film) Character List

Holly Sargis

Holly Sargis is a fictional character created by Terrence Malick and is the main character of Badlands. She is a fifteen-year-old girl living in Fort Dupree, South Dakota during the late 1950’s. Her mother died of pneumonia which is why she lives together with her only her father. Holly is impulsive and acts out of love, and then as the hole of her choices gets deeper, she doesn’t know how to escape.

Kit Carruthers

Kit Carruthers is the fictional character Holly Sargis falls in love with. He is a handsome young man, who collects garbage as he came back from the military as a War veteran. He is physically described as a person with likeness to James Dean, which is initially why and how Kit manages to make her fall in love with him. Kit is violent and aggressive.

Mr. Carruthers

Mr. Carruthers is Holly’s father. He was married to Mrs. Caruthers whom he loved a lot, but when she died, a part of him died with her. Mr. Carruthers is sad that his daughter will be raised without a mother and suspects that that is why she acts out. He doesn’t know how to be a good parent and often takes his anger out on Holly. He shoots her dog as a punishment for dating Kit, and he is later killed by Kit himself.

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