Anthony Trollope: Short Stories Characters

Anthony Trollope: Short Stories Character List

Julius Mackenzie

Julius Mackenzie is the main character from "The Spotted Dog". He is an educated gentleman who made the wrong choices in life which brought him into a miserable position.

Mrs. Grimes

From the story "The Spotted Dog," Mrs. Grimes is the owner of The Spotted Dog and Julius Mackenzie's compassionate friend alongside her husband.

Elizabeth Garrow

Elizabeth Garrow is the main character from "The Mistletoe Bough". Going through an unsuccessful relationship with Godfrey Holmes Elizabeth comes to a conclusion that she doesn't need a man to go through life.Nevertheless, this changes when Godfrey arrives to her home on Christmas.

Nora Fields

Nora Fields is the main character from "The Widow's Mite". She is an English girl who is about to marry an American. Seeing her uncle and aunt contributing to the poverty Nora also wants to contribute something precious to her, like a widow with two mites.

Frederic F. Frew

Frederic F. Frew is an American from Philadelphia and Nora Field's future husband. His strong political views often cause a heated argument between himself and Nora's uncle.

La Mère Bauche

La Mère Bauche is the character from the same-titled story. She is a hotel owner and a strong authoritative figure. Her intention to protect her son and do what's best for him in her eyes bring her to a lifetime of regret.

Marie Clavert

Marie Clavert is a character from "La Mère Bauche". She is an orphan girl who was taken under the wing of Madame Bauche. Her romantic love for Madame Bauche's son causes her unfortunate end.

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