Angela Carter: Short Stories Irony

Angela Carter: Short Stories Irony

The Beast’s Confrontation - “The Courtship of Mr Lyon”

The beast sadistically antagonizes Beauty’s father when he filches his rose. The skirmish is ironic considering that the Beast has portrayed paramount bounteousness by according Beauty’s father services and merchandises that are more valuable than the sole rose. Some of the phenomena that Beauty’s father delights in while at the Beast’s abode comprise: “This dish contained sandwiches of thick-cut roast beef, still bloody; a telephone but the card of a garage that advertised a twenty-four-hour rescue service; paid telephone bill and whisky.” Customarily, Beast would have terrorized Beauty’s father when he expended more valuable consumptions such as the whisky and sustained a telephone overhead that would be billed on him (Beast). Beast strikes when Beauty’s father deduces: “How could his host, so mysterious, so kind, deny Beauty her present?” Nonetheless, the ironic occurrence unequivocally aligns the Beast and Beauty’s interminable destiny. The Beast attacks Beauty’s father and commands him to bring Beauty to him because they are destined be Mr and Mrs. Lyon. Moreover, the irony illustrates the edgy rising action of “The Courtship of Mr. Lyon.”

Hatred for “The Snow Child” - “The Snow Child”

Carter elucidates, “she (The Snow Child) was the child of his desire and the Countess hated her. The Count lifted her up and sat her in front of him on his saddle but the Countess had only one thought: how shall I be rid of her?” The abhorrence is ironic considering that they are a couple who should cheer the attainment of a fantasy child that would amplify their family. The ironic loathing represents the Countess as a malevolent woman who would begrudge her own children for she would deem them opponents of the Count’s adoration and devotion. If the Countess were a gallant woman, and if she valued her husband, she would have celebrated in the manifestation of his child-related aspirations.

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