Anagrams Characters

Anagrams Character List

Benna Carpenter

An imaginative quirky woman who overcomes great difficulty and tragedies by amusing herself with imaginary friends in an effort to manage her loneliness. Astonishingly it works, and she finds great meaning in her life as a mother, ultimately raising a happy, healthy, imaginary child.

Gerard Maines

Benna's lover and apartment neighbor. A bit quirky himself, the two made out fairly well together until they accidentally get pregnant. They decide to abort and go their separate ways.


A black Vietnam veteran who challenges Benna's modus operandi by making her focus on the perplexing question of race in America, which usually she prefers to just ignore.


Benna's best friend. They have white wine nights for whining about their problems as white people. They call this "The Great White Wine." Oh, also, Eleanor is completely imaginary.


Benna manages to stay happy and healthy, and after all she must do so to take good care of her daughter Georgianna. All in all, Benna's life is hard, but living for Georgianna helps tremendously. Also, Georgianna is imaginary.

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