An Immense World

An Immense World Analysis

An Immense World by Ed Yong is a science fiction novel set in modern-day New York City. The novel is told in first person from the perspective of Ed Yong, using a formal and optimistic tone. The novel has no perceptible climax, but there is a conflict when Yong endeavors to comprehend the animal world, which he struggles to achieve. The novel's central themes include animals' perception and human intrusion into animals' natural environment.

Ed Yong starts the novels by comparing humans and animals on how they perceive and see the world. The primary difference is that humans have a strong sense of sight because their three unique cones detect specific wavelengths. In other words, humans can clearly distinguish between colors. Most animals have two cones, which makes them color-blind. For instance, animals like dogs can only see sheds of grey, yellow, and blue colors.

In some cases, animals can have more than three cones making them see more colors, but they cannot distinguish them. Other animals, such as whales and dolphins, use spontaneous responses to perceive the world around them. In addition, whales and dolphins use echolocation to perceive their surroundings. Ed Yong shows that each animal has a unique way of perceiving the world.

The other important topic in the novel is the human's interference with the animal's natural environment. Ed Yong observes that humans pollute the environment with noise, obstructing animals' natural perception of the world. Humans have constructed sea highways, which cause seawater vibrations, making it hard for sea creatures to perceive their surroundings accurately.

Ed Yong concludes the novel by urging humans to be sensitive to the environment because any interference can cause ecological imbalance. The best way to achieve this is by limiting noise and air pollution and reducing human activities in the deep waters. Animal senses work best in a natural environment. Therefore, Ed Yong urges people to use advanced technology that is environmentally friendly to allow animals to perceive the world most appropriately.

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