An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding Metaphors and Similes

An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding Metaphors and Similes


Hume expounds, “It is evident that there is a principle of connexion between the different thoughts or ideas of the mind, and that, in their appearance to the memory or imagination... In our more serious thinking or discourse this is so observable that any particular thought, which breaks in upon the regular tract or chain of ideas, is immediately remarked and rejected.” The metaphorical chain underscores the connectivity of ideas which is present in the human mind. Ideas in the human mind are interlinked with each other due to the regularity of reflections. Connections among different ideas results in wholesome and comprehensive thinking.


Hume explains, “The hearing of an articulate voice and rational discourse in the dark assures us of the presence of some person: Why? because these are the effects of the human make and fabric, and closely connected with it.” The fabric denotes the cause and effect’ nature of inter human relations. Reasoning is comparable to a fabric that enables human beings to interconnect and to interrelate with each other.


Hume elaborates, “Nothing so like as eggs; yet no one, on account of this appearing similarity, expects the same taste and relish in all of them. It is only after a long course of uniform experiments in any kind, that we attain a firm reliance and security with regard to a particular event." Eggs produce a similar taste. Hume uses the metaphoric eggs to expound on the similarity of human reasoning. Reasoning which permits humans to derive conclusions about various issues.

“Human Blindness”

Hume elucidates, “The most perfect philosophy of the natural kind only staves off our ignorance a little longer: as perhaps the most perfect philosophy of the moral or metaphysical kind serves only to discover larger portions of it. Thus the observation of human blindness and weakness is the result of all philosophy, and meets us at every turn, in spite of our endeavours to elude or avoid it.” Blindness connotes ignorance which interferes with humanity’s reasoning and understanding of various ideas. Overcoming ignorance is impracticable because an individual cannot be knowledgeable about all issues in the universe. When one is ignorant about a subject, he or she would not comprehend it effortlessly.

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