An American Tragedy Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is being alluded to in the title of the novel?

    The title is an allusion to two statements that the author wants to make. The first statement is that the story was only possible really in America, given the ease of access that the average American has to certain luxuries, such as automobiles, that allowed the protagonist immense mobility; a matter that drove the narrative forward. This wouldn’t be available in other societies. The titnovel's title also a backhanded reference to the American Dream, a major theme in the narrative. The author argues that the adage that one can achieve dreams through hard work and perseverance is just a pipe dream.

  2. 2

    How is the “The American Dream” theme discussed in the narrative?

    The novel’s title is the author’s sarcastic swipe at the idea of the American Dream and it is in this cynical light that this theme is tackled in the narrative. In the novel, the protagonist chases hard after he dreams of economic success and upward social mobility. However, his dreams are dashed when he realizes that the American Dream is nothing but wishful thinking and that there are those born into wealth and privilege; an advantage that Clyde Griffiths cannot surmount despite all the effort he pours into his work.

  3. 3

    What does the automobile symbolize in the novel?

    The automobile is a prevalent symbol in the narrative and it is symbolic of many things, both positive and negative. Taken positively the car represents the power that comes from freedom and mobility; it is emblematic of the spirit of the Roaring Twenties—the period in which events in the narrative take place—and as such it is also emblematic of a departure from tradition and the bright potential of technology to usher in a grand new future. Conversely, it can also be regarded in a negative light, being symbolic of the protagonist, Clyde Griffith’s love for fast, irresponsible living, especially considering that his life takes a turn for the worse when he goes out for a joyride that ends in tragedy.

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