An American Marriage Imagery

An American Marriage Imagery

The prison

Roy writes about the prison he is incarcerated in and creates the image of a terrible place. He writes about how cramped together people are and how stifled he feels in a small space with so many other prisoners, and this image makes readers realize the atrocity of being in prison.

Davina's house

Davina's house is described as a warm and comforting place with homemade food, cozy furniture, and a welcoming environment. This image reminds us that Roy desperately needs somewhere where he can feel comforted, and shows us that Davina is someone who can genuinely comfort him.

Celestial's Dolls

Celestial makes artisan dolls that she sells. They are described as being intricate and beautiful, requiring a ton of work. They remind readers of the vibrant life Celestial has outside of her marriage -- she has both a creative outlet and a steady income stream -- and also of her desire to be a mother, since the dolls are a constant visual reminder of the children that she doesn't have.

Letter writing

The image of Roy and Celestial writing to each other is present throughout the entire novel due to the nature of how it's written. While reading the letters, readers get the image of the two of them writing to each other while sad and alone, and unable to do anything about it, adding to the melancholic tone of the novel.

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