Among the Hidden


  1. ^ Haddix, Margaret. Among The Enemy. p. 83.
  2. ^ Haddix, Margaret. Among The Enemy. p. 162.
  3. ^ Among the Hidden - Bonus Material Archived 2014-09-13 at the Wayback MachineMy husband and I knew we wanted to have children. We knew we wanted to have more than one. The question that stumped us was, “Do we want to have more than two?” ... The conversations veered from the personal to the global, as we debated the impact of our one decision on issues such as overpopulation and the earth’s limited resources. We talked about China’s One-Child policy.
  4. ^ Among the Hidden - FAQ Archived 2014-09-13 at the Wayback Machine
  5. ^ Among the Hidden - Bonus Material Archived 2014-09-13 at the Wayback MachineAnd though I’d certainly been aware of China’s population control policies before, that was the first time I’d really thought very deeply about what impact such policies have on individuals and individual families. I began imagining what it would be like to live with such strict controls and limited choices—specifically, I began imagining a 12-year-old boy who’d had to spend his entire life in hiding, because the government of his country said he had no right to exist. And then I began writing about the boy, in a novel called Among the Hidden.
  6. ^ Among the Hidden - FAQ Archived 2014-09-13 at the Wayback MachineAre you going to write more books for the Shadow Children series?When I originally wrote Among the Hidden, I had no intention of writing more than just the one book about shadow children and Population Police. The other six books I wrote in the series--Among the Impostors, Among the Betrayed, Among the Barons, Among the Brave, Among the Enemy and Among the Free—gave me the chance to explore other characters and other tangents. But I wanted to stop before I became repetitious. So Among the Free will stay as the last book. I shifted to writing another series, The Missing, boy.
  7. ^ Among the Hidden - FAQ Archived 2014-09-13 at the Wayback MachineWhat is the setting of Among the Hidden?You may have noticed that I never actually gave an exact time and place for the story. I didn’t just forget to—I did this on purpose. I wanted readers to think about whether this is something that could happen in the United States, if there were droughts and famines and an extreme change in the government. But I didn’t want to come out and say that, partly because all the explanation would have bogged down the story, and partly because I thought a lot of people would think, “Nope, that could never happen here!” and then dismiss the whole book. So I wanted to make readers think. I could have given an exact year—I was picturing everything as happening twenty or thirty years in the future. But it’s always bothered me that the book 1984 lost some of its effect after 1984 came and passed, so I didn’t want to be that precise.

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