American Street Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

American Street Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Bad Leg-Papa Legba

On the first night of her arrival in Detroit, Fabiola notices a man singing on the street right outside her aunt’s home. The man gets interrupted and punched by Dray right before Donna enters the house. This scene is the initiating scene that connects the fate of all its participants, with the singing man being Fabiola’s spiritual guidance, lwas Papa Legba. The novel has elements of magical realism and Papa Legba is a personified guide, the personified spirit of Vodou.

American Street

American Street is the street Fabiola comes to for a new beginning in her life. It is also symbolic because of the choice she has to make, choice what is worth sacrificing and what is worth saving. Papa Legba gives her a choice between American Street, which represents the choice of loyalty to her family, and Joy Road, a choice to sacrifice her family. The title of the novel alludes to the choice she makes in the end.

Resident Alien

The story of Chantal reveals her feelings of not belonging to America, still feeling a deep connection to Haiti, despite leaving there as a kid. She reveals the feelings of displacement, because her appearance and her inner self are at disconnect, one belonging to America and the other to Haiti. She describes herself as a resident alien, and hers is an example of confusion with one’s identity that comes with her experience.

The Fourth Bee

Fabiola becomes the Fourth Bee after she discovers the dark truth about her family’s money. She gets initiated into the family as they share their secrets with her. It is symbolic because after that, Fabiola no longer has doubts about her choice, which is to protect her family no matter the consequences.

“My family. I won’t give them away like that. I would be giving myself away, too, because now, I’m the Fourth Bee.”

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