A.M. Klein: Poems Literary Elements

A.M. Klein: Poems Literary Elements

Speaker or Narrator, and Point of View

The action in the poem "Air Map" is told from the perspective of a first person subjective point of view.

Form and Meter

The poems do not have a fixed form and meter since they are written in a free verse style.

Metaphors and Similes

The sky is used in the poem "First Sight" as a metaphor for death.

Alliteration and Assonance

We have an alliteration in the line "Will the last kiss I gave her be the last" from the poem "Doubt".


We have an irony in the poem "Song of Love" in which the narrator describes how he only feels happy on a certain street. It is thus ironic when the narrator describes how he does everything he can to avoid the street in question.


Most of the poems are meditative ones.


The action in the poem "Fight Sight" takes place on an unnamed street at dawn.


The tone in most of the poems is a neutral one.

Protagonist and Antagonist

In most of the poems the protagonist is the narrator and the antagonist is represented by pain.

Major Conflict

The main conflict in the poem "Grain Elevator" is between the past and the present.


The poem "Grain Elevator" reaches its climax when the narrator enters his home.




In the poem "Grain Elevator" the narrator claims that he does not need love to live. This is later proven to be an understatement by the narrator when he compares love to water.


The main allusion in the poem "The Breakup" is the idea that even though love is painful, it is also worth it.

Metonymy and Synecdoche

The color red is used in the poems as a general term to make reference to pain.


We have a personification in the line "Love is keen and long" in the poem "Finale".


We have a hyperbole in the line "The moon is a golden hoop" in the poem "New Version".


The line "they suck and whisper it" from the poem "The Breakup" contains an onomatopoeia.

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