All This Could Be Different Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

All This Could Be Different Symbols, Allegory and Motifs


The unfair justice system against minority groups in America symbolizes racism. When Sneha's father is charged, he is not given adequate time to defend himself. The police quickly arrest him and put him in detention. While in detention, the authorities arrange for his deportation, which is effected within the shortest time possible. The reader learns with disbelief that Sneha's father is innocent because he did not commit to any office. Therefore, the mishandling of Sneha's father's case indicates that the justice system is against minority groups in America.


During the recession in the USA, many people lost jobs, and the economy came to its knees. During this time, most tenants cannot pay their rent on time. Sneha's landlord, however, symbolizes heartlessness because he threatens to kick them out of his house if they do not meet their rent obligations. The landlord lives in the same country undergoing economic turmoil but acts blindly by threatening his tenants to kick them out.


LGBTQ movement is powerfully coming out in the 21st century after having a dark history in the previous years. In the past, same-sex relationships were seen as evil, and no one in society acknowledged them. However, Sneha symbolizes LGBTQ reality in America and the rest of the world. The reader comprehends that in some countries, LGBTQ is prohibited, but the reality is that it has gained popularity, including in literature.

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