All Things Cease to Appear Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why is it assumed that George is the prime suspect in his wife's murder?

    The book opens by hinting that George is the suspect in his wife’s murder because he is the first person who discovered the lifeless body of their home when he came back from work. Later on, the reader realizes that George has been physically abusing his wife for some time now. Catherine threatened to run away from George but again changed her mind. Similarly, the following day after Catherine’s murder, George hits the road with her daughter to run away and hide the evidence of murder.

  2. 2

    What is the novel's main theme?

    Marriage is the main theme in the novel. However, the author paints marriage as an institution faced with challenges. Unlike many people's expectations about marriage, it is an institution that requires perseverance, love, and commitment. George is depicted as an irresponsible husband and father because he regularly abuses his wife, and he ends up killing her.

  3. 3

    What is the symbolic meaning of the old farmhouse?

    The author figuratively uses the old farmhouse to represent a dark, enthralling past. The house's history is horrific and compelling. Catherine discovers the belongings of the past occupants of the house, and they start tormenting her. Sometimes Catherine sees Ghosts that warn her of the dangers of the house. Truth to the ghost’s predictions, Catherine is brutally murdered in the same old farmhouse.

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