All Souls: A Family Story From Southie Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the harm of the systematized crime in the neighborhood?

    MacDonald argues that his neighborhood is surrounded by a criminal kingpin who is well known to the community. The community has tried everything possible to eliminate the criminal but he is still at large. Whitney is the criminal kingpin being referred to by the narrator. He has done many ills to the community. For instance, he has radicalized boys to love and trade in drugs. Girls in the neighborhood are not either spared because Kathy becomes a drug addict.

  2. 2

    Why are MacDonald’s siblings dying at an early age?

    The narrator explains that death is one of the common happenings in his family. Over the years, the family has had the predicament of cerebral health issues and most of the family members have succumbed due to the disease. The problem of the mental illness in the family is linked to a stern roach infiltration. The reader can also postulate that suicidal depression is one of the problems that the family is facing.

  3. 3

    How does MacDonald build the theme of bigotry in his book?

    Throughout the book, racial intolerance is rampant against the Irish and black people. Irish and black learners in various organizations in the city are violent because they are unfairly treated by the whites. More often, black and Irish students riot to voice their concerns. During the race riots, many people are injured and killed. In England, Irish worshipers in the catholic church are discriminated against.

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