All for Love

All for Love Glossary

mettle (noun)

bravery, steadfastness, courage

candour (noun)

the quality of being open and honest in expression; frankness

Dido (proper noun)

The first queen of Carthage, according to Greek and Roman history

deluge (noun)

a severe flood

propitious (adjective)

favorable, full of promise, opportune

perdition (noun)

damnation, hell

bounteous (adjective)

abundant, generous

fop (noun)

a man who is concerned with his clothes and appearance in an affected and excessive way; a dandy

pigmy (noun)

a member of certain peoples of very short stature in equatorial Africa and parts of Southeast Asia

prognostics (noun)

advance indication or portent of a future event

timbrel (noun)

a tambourine or similar instrument

sylvan (adjective)

pleasantly rural or pastoral

hoary (adjective)

grayish white

succor (verb)

give assistance or aid to

minion (noun)

a follower or underling of a powerful person, especially a servile or unimportant one

ague (noun)

archaic term for malaria or some other illness involving fever and shivering

sycophant (noun)

a person who acts obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain advantage

cur (noun)

an aggressive dog or one that is in poor condition, especially a mongrel

upbraid (verb)


aspic (noun)

a small venomous snake of Egypt