All American Boys

What is the importance of the title, All American Boys?


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The title is a reference to the two main characters in the novel who are supposed to embody the ideals of the typical, modern-day American youth—the titular All American Boys. It is also sarcastic swipe at the deep rift that has formed in American society that makes people ask a couple of poignant, searching questions: what or who exactly is an all American boy and why is American society persecuting them? Both protagonists are young, relatively upstanding members of their community. Neither are troublemakers and both have clean social records but the unfortunate event that sets the conflict in motion also serves to highlight two things: the inherent racism and cruelty that has motivated the wrongful arrest of Rashad—a matter that happens with frightening regularity in Black communities all over the US—and the passivity of Quinn—another response that occurs with frightening regularity in White communities all over the US.

