All American Boys

How has Quinn Changed in this story so far. Why do you think he changed? Give support using quotes from the text. Has Rashad Changed? (Currently in chapter 13)

How has Quinn Changed in this story so far? Why do you think he changed? Give support using quotes from the text. Has Rashad Changed? ( Currently in chapter 13 )

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In Chapter Thirteen, Quinn begins to question his motives and lotalty. He thinks about Paul, who he is, and what he becomes, and in doing so, Quinn then decides that he doesn't want to look back on this time in his life and see the boy who rans away... the boy who didn't do the right thing.

Rahsad appears in Chapter Fourteen, as he is preparing to leave the hospital. His drawing, in which he now has a face, illustrates the fact that he is coming to terms with what has happened to him. After arriving home, Rashad looks up the media coverage of his beating, and while doing so, sees information about his father. At this point, he decides that the walk isn't just about himself, it is about the boy his father shot and paralyzed as well.


All American Boys