All American Boys

All American Boys

Describe Rashad and Quinn. What makes them dynamic characters? Are they the type of people you would want to befriend?

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Quinn is a dynamic character because of the way he changes over the course of the novel. Quinn is changed by what he witnesses outside of the store, he cannot forget about what he sees, and he cannot walk away like his friends. In the end, he takes part in the protests and stands against brutality and profiling.

Rashad is the victim, and his traumatic experience, both mental and physical, leave him defeated and without hope. For the most part, we see Rashad in the hospital, as he heals. Rashad wants nothing more than to move past his situation, but his brother Spoony takes up the cause, and in turn, Rashad comes to understand the need to not only move past, but to face his experience head on and to protest not just for himself, but for all of those who suffered beofre him.


All American Boys