Alice in Wonderland (2010 film)

Alice in Wonderland (2010 film) Glossary

diligence (noun)

Commitment to a task

round the bend (idiom)

insane, crazy.

corset (noun)

a woman's tightly fitting undergarment extending from below the chest to the hips, worn to shape the figure.

oraculum (noun)

The word used in the film to signify the large prophetic scroll that tells the future of Wonderland.

compendium (noun)

a concise but detailed collection of information about a particular subject, especially in a book or other publication.

vorpal sword (noun)

A phrase made up by Lewis Carroll to describe a powerful sword that is used to slay the evil Jabberwocky.

tadpole (noun)

the tailed aquatic larva of an amphibian.

caviar (noun)

the pickled roe of sturgeon or other large fish, eaten as a delicacy.

fester (verb)

to rot or become infected; metaphorically, to become worse or more intense, especially through long-term neglect or indifference.

putrefy (verb)

decay or rot and produce a fetid smell.

futterwacken (noun)

A made-up silly jig-like dance, performed by the Mad Hatter.

dormouse (noun)

an agile mouse-like rodent with a hairy or bushy tail, found in Africa and Eurasia.

mad (adjective)


croquet (noun)

a game played on a lawn, in which colored wooden balls are driven through a series of wickets by means of mallets.

page (noun)

a boy in training for knighthood, ranking next below a squire in the personal service of a knight.

malice (noun)

ill will.

mutiny (noun)

open rebellion against the authorities.

boudoir (noun)

A woman's bedroom or private room.

tam o' shanter (noun)

a round woolen or cloth cap of Scottish origin, with a pom-pom in the center.

dominion (noun)

sovereignty or control.