A Very English Scandal: Sex, Lies and a Murder Plot Quotes


“He would have to lie, he decided. Although he had done quite a bit of it in his life, Bessell did not like lying. He was still.”


The book highlights the Thorpe British scandal involving a string of lies and conspiracy of murder. It demonstrates how a fellow politician was involved in the lies that Thorpe had created to protect himself from the accusation of homosexuality. Being that the alleged sexual activities with Scott took place when homosexuality had not yet been decriminalized it posed a problem for him. Furthermore, the social stigma that went along with being accused of being homosexual. Baring these in mind, Thorpe went to great lengths to ensure that any association with Scott is not revealed to the public. Thus, the statement expresses how Thorpe with the help of fellow politician, Bessell, kept his secrets.

“I believe this country is a democracy where there is no need to break the law…There are sufficient democratic outlets without having to do so.”

Jeremy Thorpe

The novel delves into the deceptions, schemes, and lies that Thorpe and some of his colleagues relied on. In the process, the narrative further illustrates the web of lies and conspiracies that politicians are involved in. The inner workings of the political scene by corrupt politicians show the hypocrisy and irony in their public discourse. The statement is one of Thrope’s assertion that encompasses the essence of the Liberal Party. However, his private life does not seem to mirror his public persona in that rather than confront his secrets in creating that better world that he professes, he lies.

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