A Single Shard Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

A Single Shard Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Tree-ear (Symbol of patience)

Tree-ear is the protagonist of 'A Single Shard,' and the author portrays him as an emblem of patience. Tree-ear is eager to learn about pottery, and he spends most of his life with the Crane-Man, who acts as his guardian. Tree-era is obedient, hardworking, and determined to know pottery no matter how long it takes. Throughout his life, the protagonist increases his urge to learn, and he does that through patience. The Crane-man realizes that Tree-ear is keen on attention, and he dedicates his time to teach him vital pottery attributes. At last, Tree-ear learns the art of pottery, and he becomes self-reliant.

The Crane-Man (Symbolizes the ability of the disabled people)

The Crane-man is a true testimony of the saying 'disability is not inability.' The Crane-man is a disabled man, and he only walks using one leg. Crane-ma's walking style is compared to the bird crane. However, despite being a disabled man, he has perfected his art of pottery. The readers can relate to the Crane-man with a physical disability, but they later reality that he can do his pottery to be self-reliant. Additionally, the Crane man is generous because he takes care of Tree-ear and teaches him how to become an expert in pottery.

The Lidded Box (The symbol of hidden treasure)

The Tree-ear notices a lidded box, and he decides to peer it to see what is inside. From the outside, the lidded box is un-ornamented, and it doesn't look pleasant. The box belongs to Min, and when Tree-ear opens it, he discovers beautifully arranged smaller boxes. However, before he peers the smaller boxes to uncover what is hidden inside, Min catches him and yells at him. Tree-ear fortuitously drops the lidded box and destroys it. Min becomes very angry, and he punishes Tree-ear by forcing him to collect wood for nine days. Consequently, the lidded box contains a hidden treasure that Tree-ear never discovers.

The Pot (Symbol)

The pot is mentioned throughout the book, and it symbolizes a fortune. Tree-ear's dream is to become an expert in pottery making. Tree-ear is determined to sacrifice everything to make his pot in the future. According to Tree-ear, making pots will earn him a good life. Therefore, Tree-ear decides to volunteer to work for Min without pay to learn the art of pottery. After many years, Tree-ear perfects the art of pottery, and he becomes independent. Therefore, through persistence, Tree-ear gets to his fortune, and he becomes happy.

A Single Shard (Symbolizes possibilities)

The title of this book is 'A Single Shard,' which symbolizes opportunities in life. When Min sends Tree-ear to take his sample pottery work to the sovereign palace, he is attacked by thieves, and the sample pot is crushed. Tree-ear is only left with a single shard, but he does not give up on his voyage. Tree-ear proceeds and takes the single Shard for assessment. Fortunately, the single Shard outdoors all other samples and it is chosen. Therefore, Min is assured of the opportunity of showing his artistic work to Min. The symbol is critical because it enlightens the reader that one should not give up in life, take small opportunities and achieve their objectives.

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