A Single Man Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

A Single Man Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Suit of Armor Symbol

The meticulous way in which he dresses is likened to a suit of armor, and this is symbolic of the fact that George feels he needs protection from the world and arhat going out into it every morning is akin to going into enemy territory and fraught with danger.

George's Dreams Symbol

George constantly dreams about Jim and in these dreams the two are together, usually physically close and wrapped around each other. This is a symbol of the fact that George has not let go of Jim after his death and still considers that they are in a relationship with each other. It is also a symbol of the reason for his suicide as it is a sSymbol of his going to wherever he believes the relationship can continue.

George Walking Symbol

As George walks onto school, he is conscious of students walking in the opposite direction coming towards him. This is a symbol of George always walking against the crowd and going against the tide.

Kenny's Presence in the Bar Symbol

George has a sudden need to go back to the bar where he and Jim first met. He runs into Kenny and spends the rest of the evening with him. He decides not to kill himself, because meeting Kenny where he had met Jim all those years ago symbolizes to George hope for the future and also symbolizes Jim giving him his blessing to move forward.

Pistol Symbol

George takes his pistol out with him that morning and this is a symbol of his intention to kill himself. Having the pistol with him all day symbolizes to George the fact that this is going to be his last day, because it is a constant reminder of what he is going to do that evening.

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