A Scanner Darkly Glossary

A Scanner Darkly Glossary

Substance D

the primary illegal substance of A Scanner Darkly; a mind-altering drug that eventually causes a split between the two halves of the brain

scramble suit

a technological innovation that allows its wearer complete anonymity, projecting a different appearance every nanosecond for obscurity and altering vocal emissions


a device Arctor and his friends use for relaxation; appears to be some sort of fancy music/audio player with various extra features, often used in tandem with drugs


tiny bugs, often seen in large numbers


limbs, parts added on to or hanging off from a primary body


drugs that affect the body by depressing the central nervous system


drugs that cause colorful, kaleidoscopic hallucinations


pure, unfiltered


a feeling of perpetual anxiety and fear about something, extreme neuroticism


having to do with punishment; retributive

occipital lobe

the part of the brain nearest the back; the main processor of visual images


held down, repressed


an unpleasant feeling that indicates the possibility of vomiting

techological voiceprint

the sum of a person's vocal identifiers; one of the many things obscured by the scramble suit


having several different functions

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