A Promised Land Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

A Promised Land Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Difficult Decisions

A common motif throughout the book is difficult decisions - specifically the difficult decisions Obama was forced to make throughout his first team. For example, Obama had to make a difficult decision in deciding whether or not to kill Osama Bin Laden.

The U.S. Flag

The U.S. Flag is symbolic of the country's greatness, patriotism, and the tremendous people who live in the country. Also, it is quite obviously a symbol of the United States itself - a country which Obama loves dearly.


Obama's family - daughters Sasha and Malia and wife Michelle - are symbolic of the pride and joys of his life. They also symbolize of Obama's kindness and upstanding morality.

The Oval Office

The Oval Office symbolizes the rich and tremendous history of the United States, the White House, and the past Presidents who lived in the White House and worked in the Oval Office.


An exceptionally common motif in the book is campaigning. He had to campaign during the Democratic primaries, after he was nominated to serve as the Democratic nominee for President of the States, and all the way through the end of his first term.

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