A Line in the Sand Imagery

A Line in the Sand Imagery

Topography of Scars

The narrator describes Arman's physical appearance highlighting his athleticism and the effects of his experiences. He states, “He had broad shoulders browned by the sun, but when he raised his arms to towel-dry his black hair, Arman revealed the topography of scars stretching from his armpit to his thigh on the right side of his body. Ragged divots pocked the otherwise smooth skin. A line like a river carving out its banks wove its way from his hip to just above his knee.” In Arman's case, the scars signify the enduring effects of his past and the traumas that have shaped him. Furthermore, the contrast between Arman's athletic physique and the scars highlights the duality within him. On the surface, he appears strong and capable, but the scars reveal a hidden layer of vulnerability.


When Arman is checking the pH of the pool, he sees a man floating in the water at the bottom. “The man from the beach floated in the water at the bottom. Arman caught his breath flooding in and sat back from the edge. When he looked again, a woman and a young boy floated where the man had just been. Blood dyed the water pink around them.” The imagery creates a jarring contrast to the otherwise serene setting of the motel. It indicates that Arman is haunted by traumatic memories, which manifest themselves as disturbing hallucinations. The presence of blood in the pool signifies the darkness he carries that interrupts the normalcy of his surroundings. Subsequently, the narrative portrays Arman's attempts to regain composure after the disturbing hallucination. He splashes water on his face and neck seeking a moment of clarity amidst the turmoil.

Police Headquarters

This imagery provides a snapshot of the police headquarters showing its artificial lighting, quiet atmosphere, and Catherine’s movement. “The city was almost dark outside the windows. Fluorescent lights hummed in a checkerboard above her. She used the card on her lanyard to access the stairwell and went to Investigative Support. A few heads popped up from cubicles when she swung the glass door open, but the unit was practically empty at that hour.” This quiet and focused environment shows that it is after regular working hours. Moreover, the humming sound emphasizes the ambient noise and the constant presence of the workspace. The imagery at large revolves around the movement of Catherine through that environment. This suggests a sense of urgency and potentially heightened tension in the narrative.

Video Footage

Sally watches recorded footage of Arman having a conversation with his wife. However, the relaxed backdrop changes drastically as the noise of speeding engines disrupts the calm. “A convoy of dark SUVs roared down the narrow street and stopped haphazardly in its middle. The twos and threes casually passing by became a rush as the young men and women scrambled to leave their places on the wide lawn and duck into nearby buildings. It was not a stampede, not yet, just a crowd moving with purpose away from the collection of SUVs.” This imagery captures the potential danger in the scene as it transforms into chaos. It depicts the moment that Arman lost his wife and child in a hostile encounter. The imagery conveys a powerful sense of threat and conflict as the scene unfolds.

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