A Life Sentence Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is Westwood advised to do?

    When speaking to the chaplain, Westwood expresses his disdain about the false accusations. However, the chaplain does not listen to him and laments the fact that he didn't confess his crime or show any penitence. The chaplain essentially advises Westwood that he should announce his guilt, despite the fact that Westwood claims he is innocent.

  2. 2

    How do Sydney's relatives react to his death?

    Sydney's relatives are impacted tremendously by his death, which seemingly sucks all the happiness out of their lives. This is described by Sergeant beautifully in the following passage:

    "It seemed almost incredible that so great a misfortune should have fallen upon the house, that its brightness should be quenched so utterly."

    Specifically, Sydney's widow had "never left her room" since the news of his death, and his brother "looked for the first time like a feeble old man, and seemed almost beside himself." This gives an indication of how much Sydney's family mourned his death.

  3. 3

    What first impression do we get of Hubert?

    Overall, our first impression of Hubert isn't great. His appearance suggests he unwell, which he puts down to a night of heavy drinking. He also reacts in a very unsympathetic way towards his family members, who are mourning the death of Sydney. Overall, he is initially presented as a callous and cold person, who acts suspiciously.

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