A Hero Ain't Nothing but a Sandwich Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the impact of addiction in life, according to the author?

    The author illustrates the impact of drug addiction using the character Benjie who starts using heroin early. One of the biggest impacts of drug addiction is its over-reliance. Benjie steals money to finance his addiction, and at last, he ends up in a rehabilitation centre. Consequently, an addicted individual finds it difficult to live without drugs, which affects his health in the long run.

  2. 2

    How is racial bigotry one of the main themes in the book?

    Racial discrimination emerges as one of the main themes in the text. Benjie is a black American individual, and he lives in abject poverty. The black people are not accorded equal opportunities as their white counterparts. Therefore, most black people engage in crime and drug addiction to make ends meet. Benjie is the perfect example of the life of a black American who has dedicated his life to drug addiction because of the limited opportunities in life.

  3. 3

    What is the title's connotation 'A Hero Ain't Nothing but a Sandwich?'

    The author categorically states that the definition of a hero depends on people's interstation. For instance, the author uses an example of the portrait of George Washington, which hangs in a classroom. White students will interpret George Washington as a hero because he is the father of the nation. Similarly, students like Bunjie see George Washington as a slave owner and an individual who who promoted racism.

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