A Gun for Sale


  • Raven—a cold-hearted assassin for hire. Raven's father was hanged for murder, and his mother committed suicide by cutting her throat. Raven then lived in a home for orphans. He has grown-up in extreme poverty and is highly sensitive about his harelip.
  • Jimmy Mather— a police detective trailing Raven. His brother committed suicide, and Mather found his body. Mather joined the police for the stability its routine provides.
  • Anne Crowder—a chorus girl engaged to Mather, whom Raven uses as a shield. The two develop a fragile friendship, though in the end she betrays him. The novel ends with Anne and Mather planning marriage.
  • Willie Davis (pseudonym, Cholmondeley) —a grossly sensual man employed by Sir Marcus, who betrays Raven by paying him with stolen bank notes. Anne helps Raven get revenge upon him.
  • Sir Marcus, a very old and corrupt steel tycoon, who is responsible for hiring Raven to assassinate the Minister. He hopes this will cause another world war and lead to huge profits.
  • Saunders—a decent police detective with a heavy stammer. He is Mather's loyal protégé and plays a vital role in the novel's climax.

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