A Country You Can Leave Quotes


“People who cast votes decide nothing. People who count votes decide everything.”


The narrator was upset because her mother had dismissed her opinion on moving to a new location. The mother reacted by reminding her that even if she voted on it, she would not get her desired outcome because she is not the one who counts the votes. This quotation is attributed to Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin. It speaks to the power dynamics of politics, implying that the people who have the power to decide the outcome of an election are not the people who cast their ballots, but rather the people who tally the votes. This implies that those in positions of power can manipulate the democratic process to achieve their ends. Yevgenia was trying to tell her daughter who was in charge of their situation.

“It’s always the one who laughs too much who is the first to stick a knife in your back.”

The Narrator

The narrator was expressing her feelings about her mother's actions. This quote serves as a warning that those who appear to be overjoyed and jovial may not be as trustworthy as they appear. It is an expression of suspicion that someone who is always laughing and smiling is hiding something. The quote is frequently interpreted as a warning to be wary of those who appear overly friendly, as they may be wearing it as a mask to conceal their true intentions.

“There is no such thing as “friendship.” There are people who know you and people who pretend to know you.”

The Narrator

The quote implies that friendship is a fictitious concept and that all relationships are based on either knowing or pretending to know someone. According to the quote, people can only ever be acquaintances or strangers. It implies that, regardless of how a relationship is labeled, there is an inherent power imbalance in all interactions, whether between two friends, two strangers, or a stranger and a former acquaintance. This power disparity is based on who knows about the other and who pretends to know. According to the quote, the person who knows you has the upper hand in the relationship, whereas the person who pretends to know you is at a disadvantage. This is evident in any relationship, whether between a boss and an employee or between a teacher and a student.

“Stay away from people who think they are smarter than everyone. They have a million ways to tell you how stupid you are.”


This quote serves as a warning to those who believe they are smarter than everyone else. This is one of many quotes Yevgenia uses to teach her daughter about life and other people. These individuals are frequently condescending, judgmental, and overly critical. They have a tendency to dismiss other people's perspectives and will frequently find ways to put others down. This can have a negative impact on a person's self-esteem and create an unhealthy environment. It is critical to identify this behavior in others and to distance oneself from those who engage in it.

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