Young Goodman Brown and Other Hawthorne Short Stories

How does this short story relate to Dark Romanticism?

How does this short story relate to Dark Romanticism?

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The elements relating to dark romanticism in Young Goodman Brown are the atmosphere (dark, gloomy forest), and Goodman's fall in the face of temptation (loss of faith).


Young Goodman Brown


It contains mystery ;suspense and/ or fear . Supernatural elements .

Setting might be a castle or a manor .

And it might be a cave or the wilderness .

Lots of emotions .

Evil of some sort is present.

Yong good man browns story and life of Hawthorne is parallel. Young good man brown like hawthorn was earlier a follower of transcendentalist approach that everybody is good. But later on the reality reveals and he realizes like hawthorn that everyone has evil inside them